I wanted to do something special for my mom for mothers day because I hadn't seen her in almost two years and she is the best mom in the world and deserved something nice. So I give ol' Ninja Granny a call and asked her what she thought about us flying out to see my mom but doing it Ninja style so that my mom wouldn't even know it was happening.

Not only did she buy it but she told Ninja Hubby that she was proud of me for being so responsible. HA HA HA! I wasn't being responsible! I was being a big fat Ninja liar!
So I call Ninja Hubby on his cell and he helps us out by making up a story how he has to go to Montreal for work and he wants her to go so she needs to ask time off for work. So the stage is set and we have to wait a month and hope that someone doesn't slip and ruin the surprise.

We arrive as planned and walk in the door and Ozzie starts barking like a crazed maniac because two strangers dared to enter his house. I hear my mom start walking down the stairs and she takes a look at me and for half a second she acts like she has no idea who I am. Then she looks at my grandma and then she starts screaming!! Screaming and crying and hugging, it was quite a scene!
So for all of you who have wasted time reading through all this gibberish and fancy drawings just to find out if I got any pictures..........alas those few moments of your life has been in vain!
While I was on my layover in Charlotte my boyfriend called me and reminded me that I forgot my camera! Dag nabbit! I wanted pictures so I could use them to blackmail my mother!
I guess I am not a good Ninja after all. Ninja's never forget there camera!